Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009

MCA - Krebs

Nachdem Konzerte der Beastie Boys abgesagt und das Release das neuen Albums verschoben wurde, ist nun folgende Mitteilung veröffentlicht.

"Adam "MCA" Yauch of Beastie Boys was diagnosed last week as having a cancerous tumor in his left parotid (salivary) gland. Luckily it was caught early and is localized in one area, and as such is considered very treatable. It will however require surgery and several weeks of additional treatment. Fortunately the cancer is not in a location that will affect Yauch's vocal chords. Beastie Boys have canceled all upcoming concert appearances to allow time for Yauch's surgery and recovery. The release of the band's forthcoming album Hot Sauce Committee Part 1 will also be pushed back."

Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute für den weiteren Verlauf.

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